Rural Community Food Pantry

Apr 12, 2022 | Community, Blog

April 12, 2022  – Dyersville, IA

Nextlink Supports Dyersville Community Food Pantry


Nextlink Internet presented the Rural Community Food Pantry in Dyersville, IA with a donation of $500.00 so that they may continue to help feed those in need. We believe that our continued combined efforts enhance the communities we serve.

The Dyersville Rural Community Food Pantry gathers food and shares grocery products with their neighbors in need. The Rural Community Food Pantry is a bridge between America’s food bounty and those who are struggling or cannot help themselves. They primarily serve the western portion of Dubuque County but also a bit of Delaware and Clayton counties. The pantry offers both fresh and shelf stable items on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month.  

For more information, please visit them at