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Conpoint is now Nextlink Internet

ConPoint’s internet service provider business was recently acquired by Nextlink Internet which is based in Hudson Oaks, Texas. Nextlink Internet is an experienced provider of high-speed internet and voice services to residential, business, institutional and government customers in mostly rural and small-town areas, using a mix of fixed wireless and fiber-optic network technologies. Nextlink’s roots are in Texas and Oklahoma, but the company is currently expanding into other states. It plans to use the ConPoint network and workforce to expand in Nebraska.

Will anything change about my bill or my service? Will ConPoint change its name?
In the near term, nothing will change in terms of the customer experience. Your billing invoice will look different on November 1 but your monthly rate will not change, your quality of service, your service charges, even your local customer service staff and technicians – all will remain the same. A name change will occur down the road.
Does Nextlink Internet plan to make any changes in the ConPoint network? When and where will any network upgrades or expansions occur?

Yes. One of the key drivers of Nextlink’s growth is its constant investment in its networks and focus on internet service quality. So yes, there will be upgrades in the local networks formerly owned by ConPoint, and we plan to bring service to several communities that are currently unserved or underserved. However, it’s premature to be specific at this time about when and where those upgrades will occur.

What is the Connect America Fund, and what does it have to do with Nextlink and ConPoint?

Since its founding in 2012, Nextlink has attracted more than 36,000 broadband subscribers in Texas and Oklahoma using solely private capital to invest in its networks. However, in 2018, Nextlink won a competitive bid for $281 million in support over 10 years from the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Connect America Fund (CAF), which will help the company deploy broadband services to more than 100,000 homes and businesses across six states, including Nebraska.

Keep in mind: While high costs have been a barrier to providing broadband service in rural areas in the past, the economics of fixed-wireless technology make it the most cost-effective broadband access solution for rural and under-served areas. Fixed-wireless networks can be built and upgraded faster at a fraction of the cost of networks based on DSL, fiber, cable, or satellites. Add in Nextlink’s expertise in serving rural and small-town areas, and it means more Nebraska communities will be served with affordable, high-quality, high-speed internet service in the foreseeable future.

Connecting Point internet services are tailored to your needs and expectations.

No data cap, stream as much as you want, with no long-term contract! Our wireless internet service is available over a large portion of northeast Nebraska. Since wireless doesn’t require land-based copper wiring, it is widely available in rural areas where other high speed internet options are not. Wireless internet services are available for residential or business customers.

Battle Creek Beemer Belden Bloomfield Brunswick Carrol
Cornlea Creighton Duncan Elgin Enola Genoa
Hadar Hooper Hoskins Humphrey Lake Oconee Laurel
McLean Meadow Grove Monroe Neligh Newman Grove Norfolk
Oakland Orchard Osmond Page Petersburg Pierce
Pilger Plainview Platte Center Randolph Royal Rural Wayne
Scribner Snyder Sholes St. Edward Stanton Tilden
Uehlink Wakefield WestPoint Winside Wisner
If interested in large enterprise, education sector or public sector, contact a sales representative today at 855-698-5465.

You are not committing to any agreement or payment at this time and you can change rate plans at any time.

A base Wi-Fi router is included on all plans if the Whole Home Wi-Fi solution is not chosen. You can use this router for basic Wi-Fi coverage or this router will be placed in bridged mode if you choose to supply your own Wi-Fi router to cover your entire home.

Call 833-NXTLINK (833-698-5465) today for sales, service and support.